Welcome to Cartmel Choral Society

Thank you for visiting our website. Cartmel Choral Society was founded in 1908 and it has been a source of musical entertainment, performance and pleasure to several generations of local people. We are an enthusiastic and friendly group of amateur singers, with a musical ability spectrum that varies from complete beginners to those who have studied and taught music professionally. New members are very welcome and there are no auditions or minimum vocal requirements. All we require is a love of singing and a willingness to participate.

What do we do?

How do I join?

We are very privileged to have Adrian Self as Director, admirably supported by John Shippen. Adrian has been with the Choral Society since 1990. He is a fine composer and organist and he holds the post of Director of Music at Cartmel Priory. John, an accomplished organist and pianist, with a fine tenor voice, is Assistant Director at the Priory. Their amazingly talented rapport in rehearsals each Monday evening is one of South Cumbria’s best kept secrets. We perform concerts just before Christmas and Easter. These are traditionally held in the beautiful, atmospheric surroundings of Cartmel Priory.


The society is independent and members enrol at the beginning of the Autumn and Spring terms. Rehearsals are held in Cartmel Village Hall on Monday evenings  at 7-15pm during the term time. You are welcome to come along and just observe if you wish and see how much we all enjoy it. Should you require any further information, please use the “Get in Touch” button.  The fee is £40 per term.

Autumn term rehearsals begin on Monday 9th September 2024.